Jesse Peaslee Pattee (1804-1863) was both a Master of the Hiram Lodge and it’s landlord, for Hiram Lodge met in Menotomy Hall, the second story of Mr. Pattee’s own bake shop A large room, fifteen by forty feet with an oval ceiling, Menotomy Hall was a fitting home for the lodge’s fifty members—especially in winter … Continue reading Worshipful Master and Grand Baker, Jesse P. Pattee
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Video: Battle at the Jason Russell House
We found this video by lyontaylor on YouTube. It was taken April 20, 2008. Paul Hogman of the Menotomy Minutemen narrates. We’d be happy to provide more credit to the video’s creator, …if you let us know who you are.
Edith Winn, Schoolgirl
As a youngster, Edith Winn, Nina’s cousin, attended Arlington Center’s Russell School. The red brick Russell School, serving as the bottom portion of Arlington Catholic High School, still shelters area students in the twenty-first century.